Bank Account in Mauritius

Bank Account in Mauritius

£ 500.00

Get your Bank account in tax haven Mauritius within 3-4 weeks.

Mauritius Bank account has the below features -

1. Online banking facilities

2. Multi-currency account ( GBP, USD, EURO )

3. The bank is located in a tax haven


Mauritius is considered as one of the top Tax Havens alongside the Cook Islands & Switzerland. Tax haven Mauritius offers offshore customers a tax-free condition for capital investment. Offshore bank accounts in Mauritius can be guaranteed that the interest gained in such bank accounts isn't taxed. Mauritius has a large, bank-dominated financial sector. The financial sector contributes to about 10% of the GDP. The Banking licenses are provided under the Banking Act 2004, which allows banks to carry both domestic and offshore bank activities.   


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